If you're here . . . your child's struggling in college, aren't they?
Don't worry, it's not too late for them to thrive.

Your child may have been a good student in high school, and you're confused about why they are struggling in college. I understand.

The transition from high school (at home), to college, in a dorm, is enormous.

Some students are able to have a relatively smooth transition, but many others feel unprepared and find college overwhelming.

Every semester of college has unique challenges. It's not unusual for students to have some semesters that are more difficult than others.

When I work with struggling students, the first step is determining why they are struggling. The second step is creating a plan to help them solve their problems, and move forward.

There are four key pillars of college life to consider when I'm working with a child who is struggling. 

Real success in college requires strength in all four pillars.  My goal is to help your child strengthen their habits and skills in all four pillars.  Often, one pillar is the weakest, but other pillars could be improved as well. What are the four pillars required for college success?

  • Academic Skills – goal setting, time management, note-taking, study skills, test prep, asking for help
  • Social Connections – joining activities and making friends, living with a roommate, finding a mentor, developing a support network
  • Physical Health – balanced diet, staying hydrated, sleep routine, daily exercise.
  • Emotional Well-being – growth mindset, positive self-talk, stress management, using campus resources, resilience

    After your child learns and implements the strategies specific to their needs, they will feel confident, in control, and able, again, to thrive in college.

    I will be their mentor, accountability partner, and motivator (so you don't have to be.)

    While other students may face their struggles in college without a plan, your child will have the knowledge, tools, and support they need to make necessary changes and succeed.  As a result, both you and your child will have peace of mind.

    Is my coaching program, College Success Formula, a good fit for your child? I've answered some common questions below. I also encourage you to speak with me so we can discuss your child's specific needs.

    Answers To Common Questions
    What if my child is so busy they can’t fit another thing into their schedule?
    If your child can’t fit an hour session into their schedule, then they definitely need help. One reason college students are so stressed is that they don’t know how to manage their time well. My program covers planning and time management, which will help them throughout college and beyond.
    College is already expensive, how can I justify another investment?
    The statistics show that 30% of students are dropping out before sophomore year, 60% are taking 6 years to graduate, and 65% are feeling anxious or stressed. Unfortunately, there's no way to predict how any child will do in college. I understand that you've invested a lot of time, energy, and money in your child already. What if a relatively small investment, to get your child back on track, is the difference between college success and failure? Are you willing to take that risk?
    What if my child doesn’t want to work with a coach?
    In my experience, although students want to do well in college, they don't want to get help from their parents, and they don't like asking for help from campus resources. However, they are familiar with the term “coach” from sports. When you explain that my role is to give them the tools they need for college success they are open to talking to me. I always meet with the student before we decide to work together. That way, we both know whether we're a good match and will be comfortable working together.
    Let's Plan For Your Child's Success:

    Schedule a complimentary College Success Breakthrough Session and let's create your child's game plan for college success.

    Here’s what we’ll achieve together:

    • I’ll help you identify the habits and skills your child needs to achieve their goals.
    • We’ll create a tailored action plan your student can follow for college success.
    • We’ll explore how I can support your child, whether that’s coaching with me, or with another expert.

    Click the button below to schedule your session now.