
Eight Signs Your Child May Be Struggling in College

College life is very different from living at home. The transition can be difficult for many students even if they are excited about being at college and are well prepared academically. Parents should be aware of the signs that their child may not be functioning well...

13 Ways to Prepare for Freshman Year of College, During High School

Do you remember your first months of college? I do. I was quite nervous, not knowing how I would fit in. Was I smart enough? Was I pretty enough? I went to a small high school where I stood out as one of the smart ones, a good dancer, and always well-dressed. But who...

From Stress to More Stress: How Can We Help Our College Kids?

Our high schoolers are pre-occupied with where they hope to go to college. Yes, even 9th graders in high school know that the grades they get as freshmen will affect their GPA. If 9th grade didn’t go so well, 10th graders feel more pressure to get those high grades....

The Easiest and Quickest Ways to Reduce College Stress

How often do you find yourself saying, “I’m so stressed”? If it happens all day long, you’re not alone. Everyone agrees that college is stressful, especially during exams. That’s not going to change. And “being stressed” has...

5 Ways to Help Your Teen Thrive While Doing School from Home

Homeschooling is becoming more widespread due to COVID-19. It's a good alternative for elementary and middle school students, if one parent can be home and take control of the homeschool curriculum. But, what if your child is in high school or college, doesn't want to...

Is Your Child Ready For College?

So your child is preparing for college this fall....Congratulations!! I know you had a long road to get here. The last two years, in particular, you ran the getting-into-college obstacle course. But now, thankfully, the SAT/ACT studying, the college visits, and the...

Six Reasons Your Child Should Get To Know Their Professors

The challenges that students are facing as they engage in virtual and socially distanced learning environments are unprecedented. Students are expected to be comfortable working with new technology, and be flexible as new situations develop. But they’re not the only...

Three Reasons Meditation Helps Students Beat Stress

When I was growing up, meditation was reserved for spiritual people who weren't considered "mainstream.” After her divorce, my mother started practicing meditation, but she did it in private without talking about it. I didn’t learn that she meditated until I was 30...

Four Skills For A Successful Transition to College

College is stressful. In just a short period of time, a student is expected to: • Live on their own • Make their own choices • Attain a degree in a field they’ve set their sights on If learning in a new environment and taking challenging courses wasn’t hard enough,...