Three Reasons Meditation Helps Students Beat Stress

When I was growing up, meditation was reserved for spiritual people who weren't considered “mainstream.”

After her divorce, my mother started practicing meditation, but she did it in private without talking about it. I didn’t learn that she meditated until I was 30 years old.
Meditation is no longer a secretive, unusual habit. Today, mediation is the go-to tool for stress reduction for many people. It's used by people of all ages and all backgrounds. 

College students today suffer from high stress levels, but meditation can help.

Here are three reasons why meditation is great for helping college students manage their stress:

Meditation works.

Many people report that meditation has helped relieve their stress and calm their nerves. The key is to be consistent with your meditation practice. Encourage your student to choose a time of day that works for them and commit to it. At first, it may be hard for them to keep their thoughts from wandering. That’s okay! They should just take note of where their mind goes and refocus.

Meditation has many forms.

Because meditation has many forms, each person can choose the format that works best for them. Encourage your student to try out different meditation types or try them out yourself. Here are a few of the most popular forms of meditation:
• Mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness Meditation is a meditation method that focuses on breathing and non-judgmentally observing the thoughts that occur while meditating.
• Moving meditation: Moving meditation involves doing simple movements, such as walking, yoga, or Tai Chi, while paying attention to breathing, thoughts, and body parts that often get overlooked.
• Guided meditation: Meditators who use guided meditation listen to the calm voice of someone who is helping them visualize a scene that is aimed at creating a relaxation response. Sometimes the guide may incorporate relaxation of each body part, starting from the head and working down to the toes while breathing.

Meditation is simple to do anywhere.
Finally, meditation is a simple way to reduce stress anywhere. You carry around the main meditation tool: your breath. When you sit quietly and focus on your breath, you're practicing a simple and effective form of meditation. Your college student could choose to do a 5 or 10 minute meditation while taking a break from studying, waiting for class to start, or relaxing before bed.

Start today!

Now is the perfect time for students to try meditation, if they haven't yet. Or to use meditation more often if they have experimented on occasion. It may be helpful to use a meditation app to guide you or your student. Two of my favorites are

Calm and Breathe. Give them a try or find one that you love.

Good luck!

1. Always Tired

Determine why your child is tired.

  • Is it because they aren’t getting enough sleep?
  • Are they mismanaging their time and getting to bed very late? 
  • Are they too stressed to fall asleep? 
  • Have they been partying late into the night?

2. Weight Gain or Loss

Find out where, when, and what your child has been eating. 

  • Are they making unhealthy choices or eating late at night?
  • Have they been doing any kind of exercise? 
  • Are they becoming too concerned with their body image?

3. Missing classes

Identify the reason your child is missing classes.

  • Have they been too tired to wake up on time?
  • Are they not prepared for the class?
  • Did they decide the class is boring and not worth their time? 

4. Not Communicating

Determine why you are not hearing from your child.

Are they so busy and engaged in their college life that they aren’t thinking about home?
​Could they be avoiding talking to you because things aren’t going well? 

​Have you established a plan for regular communication with them?

5. Poor Grades

Find out what is causing your child to have poor grades.

  • Are they studying and trying their best?
    ​Could the courses be too difficult? 
  • ​Does your child prioritize studying and academics, or social life? 
  • ​Is your child overwhelmed by college life and unable to focus on academics?

6. Change in Mood

Identify why your child ‘s moods have been noticeably different from what had been true in the past.

  • Is there something in the college environment that is causing their mood change?
  • ​Does your child seem happy or unhappy?
  • ​Is your child stressed, anxious, or in control?  


7. Social Isolation

Determine why your child has become isolated from other students.

  • Does your child feel overwhelmed and need some alone time?
  • Has your child decided he or she doesn’t fit in?
  • Was there some incident that caused your child to choose isolation?


8. Frequently Sick

Figure out why your child has been sick so often.

  • Are they not getting enough sleep?
  • ​Have they been spending time with students who are sick?
  • ​Did they see a doctor on campus for an exam?
  • ​Should they be eating healthier or taking vitamins?


What should a parent do?

If your child is exhibiting a number of the signs listed above, you will want to discover what these signs really mean by speaking with your child to determine if he or she would benefit from additional support.
Many parents find it difficult to get their children to be totally open about what is actually happening at college. If this is your situation, it is important to enlist a trusted adult to have those conversations.
I often serve in that role for parents. As a health coach, I specialize in helping college students manage stress so they can have a successful and enjoyable college experience.

My role is one of support and accountability. I become your student’s cheerleader and mentor –giving you peace of mind knowing your child has someone focusing solely on their health and well being
To speak with me privately about your son or daughter and explore how I can support you.

You can also reach me by email at:
By text or phone at: 203-912-8078

I look forward to speaking with you soon!
